I'm Fighting Fat is about my journey weight loss! Come join me!

I'm fat. And I've been fat for far too long. It's time to start making changes, and this blog is to document those changes, along with a few tears, and even some laughs along the way.

This blog isn't about is going on a fad diet - in fact no 'diet' foods or pills are going to be used during this entire process! Any use of the word 'diet' in this blog will simply refer to foods being eaten, not any special plan or 'can or can't have' food lists.

I'll be eating a variety of foods, as unprocessed as possible. The plan is not to cut out or severely cut down, but to help my body (and mind) realize when I truly am hungry, and not depend on the clock to tell me when mealtimes are. Moderation will be the rule in both eating and exercising.

Join me on my journey, my trials, my failures and successes to discover a thinner me and possibly inspire you to lose weight too, without all the diet hype!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week Forty Six: The Dear-God-I'm-Gearing-Up-For-A-Reboot New Eating Lifestyle

I came, I saw, I ate.

I ate a lot.

I fully intended to walk all last week. I didn't move a toe. But I did eat.

The scale is not my friend. Perhaps I should have weighed in last week- it might have kept me from eating as much. As it stands, I have gained more than eight pounds. This is not good folks.

For weeks I've been fooling myself. That extra this here and extra that there matters. And it's time I really got my head back in the game before I have to start back at square one!

I am now 304 pounds. At my lowest I was 288. That is sixteen pounds of unwanted weight that I need to start controlling now.

I need to reboot. During the holidays. Yikes!

Back to greens and lean meats. Soups and veggie snacks. Back to fruit, nuts, and fish. I've fooled around long enough.

It's not easy. I've started working outside of the home for the first time in eighteen years, and the toll on my family structure shows. My husband and kids miss me, I miss them, and the house is left up to my husband to maintain. I have every confidence in him (because he's so much better at cleaning than I am), but I miss those mornings when I can sew or write in the quiet of my home when the kids are at school.

Now I'm out most of the time. Meals have to change. Snatch and grabs are becoming more common than slower home cooking. I've taken the time on the weekends to cook, and have saved those meals in single serving containers. I have a lot of them now, so it's a good time to reboot.

This week I've taken baggies of cherry tomatoes and spinach, along with another baggie of chicken or leftover turkey. Surprisingly, I can last most of the day if I pack enough of these items. Yesterday I was near a Chic-Fil-A, so I got some chicken nuggets (about 300 calories). I never touched foot in the house the entire day, and came home to a clear soup (one bowl) and went to bed satisfied.

Weekends are going to be busy with holiday baking (which is good, because I hardly eat when I bake!), and I'll also be making a big bag of carrot chips (instead of sticks) and maybe some cucumber slices as well. Both will satisfy the crunch factor, and maybe some fruit for the sweet tooth.

I'd not been packing anything for the afternoon/evening job, and found myself snacking and getting fast food because I got too hungry- despite my healthier menu choices. If I use my own food, not only do I save money, but it's better for me as well.

I'll be investing in a insulated lunch box soon. Bananas don't fare well in my purse!

Lessons Learned:

Always check the scale to stay on track.

Starting over is better than giving up.

When in doubt, work it out with your husband or friends. They can give great feedback and ideas.

Walk whenever possible.

Get a lunch bag.

Replan those menus for bulk cooking on the weekends.

Don't eat the Christmas cookies!

Working so many jobs and writing during the breaks can be a good thing- especially if I can meal plan while in the van! Since I'm stuck waiting in between jobs, I can use that time to work on a lot of new ideas to eat better- including making shopping lists a week ahead of schedule, so I have everything when I need it! It doesn't hurt that my waiting spot is right near a farmers market...

The holidays are hard on anyone trying to eat right and lose weight. Doubly so if you have a lot of job stress and your schedule is higglety-pigglety! Planning ahead seems to be the best way to go for me, and having 'just enough' food in the van without it becoming my personal food truck is a good way to keep off the pounds. Maybe I'll park a few blocks away from the market and get some exercise too!

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