I'm Fighting Fat is about my journey weight loss! Come join me!

I'm fat. And I've been fat for far too long. It's time to start making changes, and this blog is to document those changes, along with a few tears, and even some laughs along the way.

This blog isn't about is going on a fad diet - in fact no 'diet' foods or pills are going to be used during this entire process! Any use of the word 'diet' in this blog will simply refer to foods being eaten, not any special plan or 'can or can't have' food lists.

I'll be eating a variety of foods, as unprocessed as possible. The plan is not to cut out or severely cut down, but to help my body (and mind) realize when I truly am hungry, and not depend on the clock to tell me when mealtimes are. Moderation will be the rule in both eating and exercising.

Join me on my journey, my trials, my failures and successes to discover a thinner me and possibly inspire you to lose weight too, without all the diet hype!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Was That a....Muscle??

I do believe I felt some payoff the other day.

I was lying in bed reading, and placed my hand against my leg. And I felt something odd. Something that didn't feel normal.

I stopped reading, staring aghast at my leg. There was....definition.

"Honey! Come look!" I cried, "I think I found a muscle!"

My husband came in and confirmed my discovery. The muscle just above my knee was firming up, and had caused a definitive dip as it curved into my hip. The workouts were actually working.


I went into the gym on Monday to find I had also lost another half pound over the weekend! Life is definitely good!

Sorry about not posting all of this yesterday, but I'd been running around all over the place doing errands, and didn't even get a chance to think about the computer the entire day, no less post anything! I'm also noticing that I'm recovering faster energy-wise after I do too much. Not the workouts, but the everyday stuff that keeps me on my feet for hours at a time.

God bless, and may you find new muscles too!

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