I'm Fighting Fat is about my journey weight loss! Come join me!

I'm fat. And I've been fat for far too long. It's time to start making changes, and this blog is to document those changes, along with a few tears, and even some laughs along the way.

This blog isn't about is going on a fad diet - in fact no 'diet' foods or pills are going to be used during this entire process! Any use of the word 'diet' in this blog will simply refer to foods being eaten, not any special plan or 'can or can't have' food lists.

I'll be eating a variety of foods, as unprocessed as possible. The plan is not to cut out or severely cut down, but to help my body (and mind) realize when I truly am hungry, and not depend on the clock to tell me when mealtimes are. Moderation will be the rule in both eating and exercising.

Join me on my journey, my trials, my failures and successes to discover a thinner me and possibly inspire you to lose weight too, without all the diet hype!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Gym- Week Three!

Last week was the hardest- not only did I have to ride my bike to the gym, but I had to ride home after I was finished working out! But once I realized my bike was in high gear that fateful Monday (brain burps are becoming common for me now), I didn't dread trying to ride. Much.

My legs were still feeling rubbery when Wednesday came about, and I asked a friend for a ride. She did one better and let me borrow her car so I could get to the gym! I was very grateful, because I really didn't think taking on the bike again that day was going to be a good idea. My legs told me so.

And I did do a one hour workout because I drove, so don't think I'm lazy!

Friday came and I took the bike again, this time making sure I was in the right ding-dang gear. It was a nice ride (though I still had to get off and walk halfway through going to and coming from the gym), and my legs protested just the way they should after all that exercising- just enough to let me know I did a good job, and still allowing me to walk.

No weight loss after those first five pounds, but that's okay by me- that means I'm probably getting some muscle!

This week I have the car, and that's a good thing- the weather doesn't look like it's going to cooperate. I did my one hour workout, this time adding a little more weight to the machines- just a little, mind you, I don't want to have bulging biceps, but I want my muscles to know I mean business!

Veggie consumption might be a little harder this week, because my daughter and I finished off much of them last week- and I don't go shopping again until later this week. I'm going to try making some of their favorite meals without flour, which will be a HUGE challenge, since most of what my son likes are noodles and bread! Food-wise, this is going to be an interesting week!

God Bless!

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