I'm Fighting Fat is about my journey weight loss! Come join me!

I'm fat. And I've been fat for far too long. It's time to start making changes, and this blog is to document those changes, along with a few tears, and even some laughs along the way.

This blog isn't about is going on a fad diet - in fact no 'diet' foods or pills are going to be used during this entire process! Any use of the word 'diet' in this blog will simply refer to foods being eaten, not any special plan or 'can or can't have' food lists.

I'll be eating a variety of foods, as unprocessed as possible. The plan is not to cut out or severely cut down, but to help my body (and mind) realize when I truly am hungry, and not depend on the clock to tell me when mealtimes are. Moderation will be the rule in both eating and exercising.

Join me on my journey, my trials, my failures and successes to discover a thinner me and possibly inspire you to lose weight too, without all the diet hype!

Monday, June 27, 2011


I just checked the scale and I've maintained my 306.5! YAY!

Why the Yay? Because I overdid it a little this weekend! Not to mention Friday was the first day EVER that I didn't make it to the gym! I had really good reasons too- but I can't post them here. ;)

The important thing is I'm back on track! Still looking at my fist for portion size when I eat so I don't overindulge, and seeking out foods free of flour- if possible. Sometimes you just gotta eat what's there or nothing at all- and nothing is never good!

The reason I didn't have much of a choice this week is because someone (I won't mention names but their initials are K-I-D-S) left the upright freezer door open the entire weekend and we lost all the food stores- most of it being meat. So when I have a choice between leftover mac and meatballs or nothing, guess what I'm going to have?

Better to eat than to starve, I say- starving messes up your metabolism!

The next hurdle is walking and doing those DVD's when I'm not at the gym during my 'off' days- I just can't seem to get motivated when I'm at home!

But I promise, I'll be working on that this week! God Bless!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Going Down?

Yes, I am!

I weighed myself this morning and am now 306.5! That is 13.5 pounds LOST! WOOHOO!

So let's see the differences since the beginning:

I no longer have back pain due to standing too long- unless I really overdo it.

My clothing is getting loose- not only from the weight lost but also because of toning!

I'm much more toned. I can actually see my body shaping up, and I can now find 'skinny spots' all over me!

I have a lot more endurance. In fact for the first time, I actually rode my bike all the way home from the gym today!

I am not afraid to sweat. I used to be- I hate sweating! Not only because of the wetness, but because I don't like the idea that people think I smell. I don't smell! I'm amazed at how many thin people say fat people smell bad. I take showers just like they do- I just need more soap! ;)

I'm more aware of what I eat. Four and now sugar are on the list of 'avoid as much as possible', because I've done a lot of experimentation with my meals. Potatoes don't affect me, and rice does a little- but not nearly as bad as bread or pasta. When I avoid flour I feel much better and have a lot more energy. Same goes for the sugar- I won't use substitutes, but I also won't be eating it a lot either. It sucks out energy like a vacuum!

Fruits and veggies rule! I've found that if I just have lean meats and veggies (non-starchy ones) and have fruit on a regular basis, I feel much more energetic and yes, happier. And it tastes awesome too- no additives!

Sometimes you need to push yourself and/or step-up the program. I admit it- I'm lazy when it comes to many things. Exercise is one of them. Once I get into a comfortable routine, I hate messing with it! But when you're doing 30 reps like they're nothing, you need to do more reps or add weights- or both. I found that once a month is good time to do some upgrading- that way you're not straining your muscles by going too fast, but you're not getting bored either. Once your body is comfortable, add weights, more reps or add a new regime entirely.

I'm adding walking to my routine on my off days.

I can't get to the gym each day yet (at least on my bike), so I'll start using my laundry rack...er- I mean treadmill to start walking more. It has a varied routine already programmed into it, but I might just do some regular walking first to warm up first. I also have some DVDs called Walking off the Pounds, and I'll use those as well, just to shake things up a bit since I'll no longer be walking my daughter to school during the summer months!

The weight is coming off slower than expected, but that's okay- I would rather it came off slow and stayed off, than to lose it fast and have it back within a year!

As Aesop once said about the Tortoise and the Hare, slow and steady wins the race. Even if that race takes me two or three years!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Getting Over Hurdles!

I have to admit- I blew it a few times this week.

I ate more than my fistful twice, and also ate several times when I wasn't truly hungry...it was there (or offered to me) and I caved and ate it anyway.

But I refuse to beat myself up over it!

The scale showed that I remained the same- no loss, no gain. I know I gained a little muscle, but I also know I messed up. It evened itself out this week. :)

One thing I've learned is that berating yourself does more harm than good. I used to do it all the time! I can't believe I ate that! Why did I take seconds? I knew I shouldn't have had..._________(fill in the blank)!

Now? I get over it and move on, just like a hurdler. That's much better than just standing before the hurdle and letting it block you from moving forward!

Please don't promise you'll be perfect next week if you mess up- that only sets you up for a fall if things get out of hand. There's nothing wrong with telling yourself you'll do better, but don't promise yourself perfection. A positive attitude is much easier to deal with- especially when it's your own!

So I screwed up. Next time I'll do better. That hurdle's looking smaller by the minute!

The good news is I didn't gain. And I'm retaining a lot of water as of late. It happens every summer- I bloat up like a water balloon and I don't go down until the fall. But it's fun poking my feet and making smiley-face shaped dents in them. Even water retention can be fun, if you let it. I was just glad I could reach my feet!

God bless, and remember to smile when you go over your hurdles!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why You Don't Lose Weight

I did a funny post on this at my other blog, Footprints in the Mud, but now I'm going to deal with the real reasons why you might not be losing.

Weighing too often. It's true- you can vary in weight from day to day, depending on how much you drink, the humidity outside, and what you drink on a regular basis. One lady was weighing herself twice a day- she lost two pounds at one weigh-in (the night before), and the next morning she gained four! Here she drank a lot of water and coffee (caffeine can be a factor concerning this). Don't weigh yourself more than once a week, and weigh yourself at the same time every weigh-in. The results will be more consistent.

PMS. Some women bloat and retain a lot of water during this time, and it will show on the scale. Keep this in mind, especially if you've been on target with your diet and exercise regime!

Dehydration. Believe it or not, not getting enough water will make you gain weight through retention. Make sure you drink a lot of water on a regular basis- your body will react by getting rid of excess water when it gets enough regularly.

Weigh-in when you wake up, after a bathroom break. When you first wake up, your body is in elimination mode, so don't weigh yourself until you've gone to the bathroom at least twice. You've held a lot all night, and the first time you go will be getting rid of all that. Usually it takes about a half-hour for you to have to go again, so do your weigh-in after that. You'll be glad you did!

Clothing. Clothing really is a factor when weighing in. Try to wear similar clothing every time, for consistency. Sweat pants in the wintertime will make you weigh more than shorts in the summer, and weigh your footwear separately so you don't have to take your shoes off every time you weigh in. My sneakers weigh a pound and a half, so I know exactly what to deduct from the scale since I weigh myself at the gym and can't take off my shoes.

Gaining muscle. It's true- muscle does weigh more than fat. If you've gained and remained the same weight, but did everything right, you might have gained muscle! If you can, take a picture of yourself front, back and side views once a month so you can see that changes. Or you can take a tape measure and write down the measurements of your arms, legs, waist, hips and belly, then measure again when you hit a plateau. This will keep you from getting discouraged if you don't see results on the scale.

Food Allergies. Sometimes we follow a plan made for us, but it still doesn;t work. Maybe there's something in the diet itself you're reacting to, if on a small scale. For instance, I don't have Celiac disease, but I found I lost energy whenever I had something with wheat flour in it. So when I dropped that out of my diet, I started feeling better and lost more weight! Drop one thing out of your diet at a time for a week, and see if you react differently. If you don't react, put it back in and take something else out. You might be surprised by what you're sensitive to!

I hope some of these tips help you to stay with your weight-loss plans! May God Bless you, and have a great week!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weight Lost!

Sorry I took so long in getting back here- the holiday weekend totally threw me off!

I am happy to report I am now under 310! I'm a svelte 308.5. WOOHOO!

I'm reading this book called Thin Within- it's not a diet, but a biblical way of looking at eating habits. So far I'm on day 5 (chapter 5) and found two interesting things that really struck me as ingenious:

One- Ever see thin people eating diet food? No. So why are WE? I tossed out the diet foods long ago and I'm glad I did! This just drove home the point I was doing the right thing. I eat REAL cheese, REAL ice cream, and all that good stuff like meat, fruit and veggies. I just am careful about how much I stick in my mouth!

Two- Your stomach is about the size of your fist. To be satisfied but not overly full, don't take more than a 'fistful' of foods at a meal. WOW! This really blew me away (I have tiny hands..lol!) Portion control was always an issue with me, because i could never tell just how much six ounces of this was, or four ounces of that was.
Now I can look at my own fist and see what I should be taking- in total, mind you, not a fist of meat and a fist of veggies. I can out my portion on a six-inch plate and know that is exactly what I should be eating, since I have no idea (yet) when I consider myself 'satisfied'.

I put this to the test the other day and had a 'fist' of dinner that included roast chicken with gravy, and buttered broccoli and carrots. When the plate was empty I was done (I usually go for seconds). My mouth wanted more, but I just sipped my drink while everyone else finished (first glass was homemade iced tea, the second was water). By the time everyone was done, I actually felt satisfied! If I had eaten more like I wanted to, I would have been too full. I was amazed!

So now I'm doing it for each meal, no matter what- and the scale is starting to show it!

The only down side this week is that I have a head cold, so I had to cut short two of my workouts this week due to a massive headache and weakness. But I still went, and I still tried- that's the important thing! I'll be resting today and drinking a lot of fluids. I want to get better fast so I can go back to the gym next week!

People are starting to notice I'm losing weight, and that my shape is changing for the better. When I don't lose, I use those comments to keep me going!

God Bless, and have a great week!