There's a lot of fresh starts happening at home. And only one of them is IF-related.
For example, we're supposed to be moving on October ninth. My son, however, moved out yesterday. So he's flown the nest.
Image by minka2507 from Pixabay
Not to college, not to a friends' house, but moved out on his own to start a new life just like us, in a small town about two hours away from our hometown. He needed to move, and we needed him to move- That doesn't mean we won't miss him bunches and bunches! He'll also be about two hours from our new place, so at least we'll get to see him once in a while.
As for my fasting, the week went well, and I did even better this weekend. Perhaps because we were too busy sending off our elder child. Maybe because I've been incredibly distracted from eating by doing research for the new business and writing my butt off.
Sometimes I just plain forgot to eat my evening meal. Sometimes my window closed while I was busy, and projects took longer than my eating window allowed.
I also ate lighter for the most part, and I found myself feeling much better when I did. Bad habits and a bit of nutritional paranoia can wreck a perfectly good fast.
My biggest hurdle is a fear of not getting enough nutrition, so I make sure I eat more than enough to compensate. The tarnished side of this coin is that I overeat. We eat almost everything from scratch, so there isn't really a nutrition issue, but as of late, meals have been more carby than they should, and veggies haven't been a major food group in weeks. We're still living out of the freezer and fridge until the move.
So this week, I bought extra carrots and some broccoli and plan to make at least one giant vat of soup and two casseroles. All the extras can be frozen for the near future or after the move, whichever comes first. I also made some yummy chicken salad with fresh purple onion and celery. Crunchy munchy!
The foot swelling has gone down a lot, but I don't know if it's because the heatwaves have given way to cooler weather, or I've been eating less salt. Maybe a combination of both. Either way, it's nice waking up to see 'skinny' feet!
Oh, I forgot- two more significant changes are happening this week! First, my daughters' last day at work is Friday, and second, my husband is leaving his job of almost thirty years this Friday as well.
New beginnings, indeed.
Next week, we'll be gearing up for the move, hopefully settling on this house and the new one and packing up the essentials. It's going to be a crazy fantastic week!